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Vereinsauswertung "RV Heiligenrode u.U. e.V." / Pferde

0071Blind Date K30
0162Charmanta dia Donna20
0182Clair de Lune 1230
0224Creamy Surprise H20
0253Darkside of the Moon30
0314Dubai JM60
0315Duke of Askanthorp40
0334Fabulous Fugger10
0341Fairytale Princess 430
0386Florentino 8340
0404Fürst Frederic 510
0495Lilly Chocolina30
0517Luigi 12820
0561Nikita 50840
0644Romancero's Romy10
0741Tic Tac Too50
0775Well Done 7540
0777Wert`s Sun Flower20

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Stand: 11.03.2025 - 19:29:26 Uhr  
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